In - Always in our hearts

Photo album

Memorial candle

  • Dawn Reynolds lit a candle on 06/19/2010:
    "RIP big brother!"

  • Dawn Reynolds lit a candle on 01/27/2013:
    "You and Dad are missed every day! Love you both. "

  • Jaime Lefebvre lit a candle on 04/10/2011:
    "I miss you every day. Still can't believe you are gone. You will live on in our memories!"

Light a Candle

To light a candle in memory of Allan Thomas Reynolds fill out this form:


Memorial Candle

Allan Thomas Reynolds

  • Dawn Reynolds lit a candle on January 27th, 2013:
    "You and Dad are missed every day! Love you both. "

  • Jaime Lefebvre lit a candle on April 10th, 2011:
    "I miss you every day. Still can't believe you are gone. You will live on in our memories!"

  • Nelson Robinson lit a candle on August 17th, 2010:

  • Dawn Reynolds lit a candle on June 19th, 2010:
    "RIP big brother!"